Fight Back!

Start Locally

Getting to know VT Patriots




Attack on Our Children!

Disney isn’t what you think

Learn how to Fight Back Against the Corruption
Using the “Law of the Land”

Links (FREE) in the video:

Videos (FREE) from the film:

Want Proof? Check the Banned Archive…

Look for Patterns

Think FBI “Investigation Board” with strings / notes / and news paper clips
Take notes and Connect the dots

Solve the Puzzle

Its like Fishing in a stocked pond, its everywhere

Their Symbolism is their downfall

Train your eyes and you’ll see their language

not every “spiral” or “heart” is a pedophile symbol

Another WELL KNOW Example:

Voodoo Donuts is OBVIOUS

Bernie Sanders With Owner of the Chain

Take a look at Kevins List of Criminals:
This will continue to be updated

Do they seem as creepy as they do powerful?

(Illegal) Secret “Shadow Gov” meetings (Zoom)
The Kitchen Cabinet

Attend Local Meetings

Take Notes of Projects to Dig Into


Capone was taken down using “THE MONEY”

one thing you can do is look patterns like Matching EIN Numbers

Real Life Example (Used in video):

The Following Businesses Illegally Match EIN Numbers with “M.A.P.S.”

News Worthy Proof:

File FREEDOM of Information Act Requests:

Example From Video:

Learn the Constitution and File lawsuits to obtain Hard to get info

Expose the Corruption

Get the evidence and Video of you submitting it to authorities

Send to us on telegram!

Stay Calm and Never Get Violent unless in your own defense